tDAR Citation Format
Author1: First, Last, first@last
Author2: institutional_auth
Editor 1: First2, Last2
Other: First3, Last3, first3@last
Document Type: (Book, Book Section, Conference Presentation, Journal Article, Other, Thesis)
Year: 1234
ID: 123456
Description: description
Book Title: bookTitle
DOI: doi
Edition: edition
ISBN: isbn
ISSN: issn
Journal Name: journalName
Journal #: journalNumber
Number of Pages: 10
Number of Volumes: 2
Publisher: publisher
Publisher Location: publisherLocation
Series Name: seriesName
Series #: seriesNumber
EndPage: endPage
StartPage: startPage
Volume: volume
Please provide citations for each of the document types in the following form:
Title: (combination of all the title fields with punctuation)
Document Type: Book
Source: (rest of citation)
Actual Formatting:
[ Authors ... ] [ Editors ...]
Title [, Edition] [,Publisher Location ] [, Publisher Name ] [ Date ].
[ Authors ... ] [ Editors ...]
Title [,Publisher Location ] [, Publisher Name ] [ Date ].
Book Section
[ Authors ... ] [ Editors ...]
Title [, Edition] [, Book Title ] [. Pp. Page Range] [,Publisher Location ] [, Publisher Name ] [ Date ].
Conference Presentation
[ Authors ... ] [ Editors ...]
Title [, Edition] [,Presented at Publisher Name ] [, Publisher Location ] [ Date ].
Journal Article
[ Authors ... ] [ Editors ...]
Title [, Edition] [,Publisher Location ] [, Publisher Name ] [, Journal Name] [ , Volume ] [ , Journal Number ] [: Page Range ] [ Date ].
[ Authors ... ] [ Editors ...]
Title [, Edition] [,Degree ] [, Publisher Name (School)] [, Publisher Location (Department) ] [ Date ].