Road Map
Road Map
Release 0
- Basic User Management
- Project and Resource Metadata Entry and Edit
- Dataset upload
- No column or value level metadata for databases
- Basic Search with Ranked Results
- Dataset download
Release 0.1
- Implement Help
- Display Inherited Project Metadata with Resource Entry, Edit, & Display
- Resource Metadata Entry and Edit
- Coding Sheet Entry, Upload, and Edit (Yan done)
- Support Excel & Access Files Column Metadata & Coding Sheet Application
Release 0.2
- Simple Ontology Entry and Edit Interface (Yan done)
- Search uses Ontology Component
- problem of multiple sense
- simple/complex
- Interface to Map (& Edit) Coding Sheets to Ontologies
- Basic Credit Citation Provided <=
- KK what do we want List of Instition/people & roles
Bibliographic Entry & Edit
- Use Zotero Components for input & translate to Mods?
- What would that imply for storage of entry
- Output through Fedora dissemminator or
- text output or export to Zotero, Endnote, ...
As Available
- Context Aware Search
Fedora Release
- Metadata and Datasets pushed to Fedora
- Persistent URI
- Move Download (& Credit) Function to Fedora
Integration Release (KWK Idea of How this Might Work--For Discussion)
- ??Metadata has selection information=>create XRef table
- Dataset Selection
- Preliminary Dataset Selection Specification
- Search Criteria for Dataset Inclusion (e.g., area and time from metadata)
- After Search, User Mark Selected,
- Put Marked Translated Data Tables in Workbench
- Preliminary Dataset Selection Specification
- Column Selection
- Using Column Ontology (Category Variables) Select Columns in Output Table
- Eliminate databases without these columns
- Add other row selection constraints e.g. (eleveation <2000)
- Column Preprocessing
- For columns that have ontologies/coding sheets: integate; other columns slected
- Do joins within database to get flat tables from database
- For each column, display master ontology and values used
- Perhaps the user could choose the order of selection, choosing first the key variables
- User prunes tree (branches not desired--amounts to row selection)
- Other row selection criteria
- User specifies aggregation level for remaining branches
- Any dataset that does not have any values in that branch of the tree at that level or lower is eliminated
- Do the necessary value aggregation
- Display Remaining Datasets and Case Count
- Iterate to aggregation level selection if user unsatisfied with result (allows a broadening or narrowing of the selection)
- Or User can Backup
- Any dataset that does not have any values in that branch of the tree at that level or lower is eliminated
- Process Query (union of databases)
- Save Table
- with query specification (list of ordered commands)
- with credit list (list of links to resurces w/ credits used)
- publish or not
- Download Table
- With formatted citations for credit
, multiple selections available,