Data Dictionary

Data Dictionary

General Fields

Field Name / Field GroupResource TypesGrouped

Controlled Vocab

Multiple AllowedDescriptionExample
Basic Information (High-level information about the nature, type, and location of the resource.)
TitleALL   A descriptive (or formal) title for the project or information resource. For maximum utility, full titles should be used instead of acronyms. Poor titles include “dataset,” “coding sheet.”Cibola Archaeological Research Project Faunal Database.
Year CreatedALL   Four digit year - If your resource does not have a date published, please use the year the image was taken, or document was created.1966, 2005
DescriptionALL   A brief summary or abstract (200-300 words) of the project or information resource (or alternative process) from which the data collection arose 
Project NameAll except for projects.   The project to which the resource belongsThe Archaeology of Kennewick Man, Rudd Creek Archaeological Project
StatusALL YES A piece of administrative metadata that controls the resource’s status within the archive

Options are:

DRAFT (not available to public)
FLAGGED (has issue)

PublisherAll except for projects ( thesis / dissertation & presentation) YES The name of the document publisherAlta Mira Press
Publisher LocationAll except for projects ( thesis / dissertation & presentation)   The location of the publisherLanham, MD
File Information
 File    The file you are uploading 
 Description    The description of the file 
 Date    The Date the File was created 
 Access Restrictions    

PUBLIC – viewable and downloadable by any logged in user

EMBARGOED – will be public after a specified period (6 months, 1 year, 2 years, and five years)

CONFIDENTIAL – useful for files that have site locations, will never be made public automatically.

Author / Creator (Names of individuals and institutions who contributed to the resource. This category repeats as a group of fields.)

First NameALLYES  The first name of the creator - Middle names and initials should also be included hereRobert, James T., Abe Graham
Last NameALLYES  The last name of the creator 
EmailALLYES  The last known contact email for the creator 
Affiliated InstitutionALLYES  The last known institutional affiliation for the creator 
RoleALLYESYES The role that the creator performed for the resource (see Resource Creator Roles for list and definitions) 

Institution NameALLYES  The name of the institution 
RoleALLYESYES The role that the institution performed for the resource (see Resource Creator Roles for list and definitions)Author, editor, translator
EmailALL   The Email Address for an institution 
Identifiers - Item Specific or Agency Identifiers (This category repeats as a group of fields)
Identifier NameAll except coding sheets and ontologiesYES  Name of any agency or project identifierASU Accession Number, Smithsonian Trinomial, TNF Project Code
Identifier ValueAll except coding sheets and ontologiesYES  A list of the specific identifiers known for the resource45WH53, AZ U:15:2
Investigation Types (A list of the investigation types relevant to the resource. Select the investigation types that most closely correspond to the nature of the effort that produced the project or information resource.)
KeywordsALL YES  Archaeological Overview, Site Stabilization, Research Design/Data Recovery Plan
Site Information (The names, types, and other information about the sites.)
Site NameAll except coding sheets and ontologies  YESA list of the site names associated with the resource - If the project or information resource is primarily focused on one or a few sites, list relevant site names or numbers (e.g., AZ Q:4:13(ASM); Hinkson Site) that would help a user locate the digital object.Ridge Ruin, Broken Chal Site, Woodstock Farm
Site TypeAll except coding sheets and ontologies YESYESA list of the site feature types associated with the resourceDomestic Structure:Settlement:Encampment, Archaeological Feature:Midden:Shell Midden
Additional KeywordsAll except coding sheets and ontologies  YESA list of user-submitted site type keywords not found in the controlled fields 
Material Types (A list of the artifact material types collected or analyzed for a project or specifically reported, analyzed, assayed, or otherwise described for an information resource.)
Material TypesAll except coding sheets and ontologies YESYESA list of controlled artifact material types.Ceramic, Fauna, Ground Stone, Glass
Additional Material Types   YESA list of user-submitted material types 
Cultural Terms (Keywords listing the past societies associated with artifacts and features mentioned in the resource.)
Cultural TermAll except coding sheets and ontologies YESYESA list of the archaeological "cultures" associated with the resource

PaleoIndian:Folsom, Woodland:Middle Woodland, Historic:Chinese American

Additional Cultural TermsAll except coding sheets and ontologies  YESA list of user-submitted cultural keywords not found in the controlled fields 
Temporal Coverage (The time period spanned by the resource.)
Coverage DatesAll except coding sheets and ontologiesYES YES   
 Date TypeAll except coding sheets and ontologies YES The kind of date - This will determine if negative dates (e.g. -1150) are interpreted as B.P. or BCE.Calendar date, radiocarbon date
Start DateAll except coding sheets and ontologies   Earliest date affiliated with the resource - Only integer values are allowed-1800, 1873
End DateAll except coding sheets and ontologies   Latest date affiliated with the resource - Only integer values are allowed-700, 200
DescriptionAll except coding sheets and ontologies   A description listing any pertinent information for the dates"Date taken from charcoal samples. 2 sigma confidence interval."
Temporal TermsAll except coding sheets and ontologies  YESA list of temporal terms relevant to the resourceInstrumental Neutron Activation Analysis
General Keywords (A list of any useful keywords not found in other categories (i.e., not covered by investigation type, site type, site name, culture, material, temporal or geographic terms) that would assist a user in identifying the project or information resource as one of interest.)
KeywordAll except coding sheets and ontologies    Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis
Spatial Terms (A description of the geographical area covered by the resource.)
Geographic KeywordAll except coding sheets and ontologies  YESA list of geographic terms that would help a user identify the project or information resource as one of interestDeath Valley, Kauai, Colorado Plateau, Lower Illinois River Valley
CoordinatesAll except coding sheets and ontologiesYES  Identify the approximate region of this resource by clicking on "Select Region" and drawing a bounding box on the mapNote: to protect site security, tDAR obfuscates all bounding boxes, especially bounding boxes smaller than 1 mile. The 'edit' view will always show the exact coordinates.

Latitude (max)All except coding sheets and ontologies   Maximum latitude of area related to the resource049°23'48, 53 08 50N, -73.9864
Latitude (min)All except coding sheets and ontologies   Minimum latitude of area related to the resource043°54'49, 43 54 49N, 43.9136
Longitude (max)All except coding sheets and ontologies   Maximum longitude of area related to the resource121°58'13, 121 58 13N, -121.9703
Longitude (min)All except coding sheets and ontologies   Minimum longitude of area related to the resource123°23'54, 123 23 54W, -123.3983
Resource Provider (The institution authorizing tDAR to ingest the resource for the purposes of preservation and access.)
Resource ProviderAll except coding sheets and ontologies    National Park Service
Individual & Institutional Roles (The names of individuals and institutions affiliated with the resource. This category repeats as a group of fields.)

First NameAll except coding sheets and ontologiesYES  First name of the affiliated person - Middle names and initials should also be included hereRobert, James T., Abe Graham
Last NameAll except coding sheets and ontologiesYES  Last name of the affiliated person 
Affiliated InstitutionAll except coding sheets and ontologiesYES  The last known institutional affiliation for the affiliated person 
EmailAll except coding sheets and ontologiesYES  The last known contact email for the affiliated person 
RoleAll except coding sheets and ontologiesYESYES The role that the affiliated people performed for the resource (see Resource Creator Roles for list and definitions)Contact, contributor, field director, lab director, principal investigator, project director, landowner, sponsor

Institution NameAll except coding sheets and ontologiesYES  The name of the affiliated institutional 
RoleAll except coding sheets and ontologiesYESYES The role that the affiliated person performed for the resource (see Resource Creator Roles for list and definitions)Contact, contributor, field director, lab director, principal investigator, project director, landowner, sponsor
Source & Related Comparative Collections (Collections of artifacts, documents, and other information referenced in the resource.)
Source CollectionAll except coding sheets and ontologies  YESA list of the source collections drawn from a published or unpublished work - If the information resource or project analyzes, depicts, or reports on a collection of artifacts or other materials, provide the source collection's accession numbers or other information identifying the specific collectionAnthropology Collection: Museum of Northern Arizona, Projectile Points Type Collection: Illinois State Museum, Harvard University Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology Archive Accession Number XXXX-XX
Related Comparative CollectionAll except coding sheets and ontologies  YESA list of the comparative collections drawn from a published or unpublished work. If the information resource includes identifications that rely on a comparative collection, e.g., of fauna or ceramic types, provide information identifying the comparative collectionArizona State Museum Ceramic Type Collection. 
Notes (Notes that help clarify certain aspects of the resource. For example, a "Redaction Note" may be added to describe the rationale for certain redactions in a document. This category repeats as a group of fields.)
Note TypeAll except coding sheets and ontologiesYESYES The type of noteGeneral note, redaction note
NoteAll except coding sheets and ontologiesYES   "Some images and text were redacted from this document to protect confidentiality of site locations."
Access Rights (A list of users who can edit a document or related metadata. This category repeats as a group of fields.)

First NameAll except coding sheets and ontologiesYES  First name of the user - Middle names and initials should also be included hereRobert, James T., Abe Graham
Last NameAll except coding sheets and ontologiesYES  

Last name of the user

EmailAll except coding sheets and ontologiesYES  The last known contact email for the user 
Institution NameAll except coding sheets and ontologiesYES  The last known institutional affiliation for the user 
PermissionsAll except coding sheets and ontologiesYESYES The level of permission granted to the usermodify record


Document Fields

Field Name / Field GroupDocument TypesControlled VocabularyDescriptionExample

Basic Information (High-level information about the nature, type, and location of the resource.)

Document TypeAllYESIdentifies the type of documentBook/Report, Book Chapter/Section, Journal Article, Thesis/Dissertation, Conference Presentation, Other
Book TitleBook Chapter/Section Title of the book where the document appearsArchaeology & Cultural Resource Management: Visions for the Future
Journal TitleJournal Article Title of the journal where the document appearsAmerican Antiquity

About Your Document (Identifier numbers, length, and origin information about the document)

DOIALL “Digital Object Identifier.” The unique identifier for an electronic documentdoi:10.1006/jasc.2002.0810
ISSNAll but other International Standard Serial Number, an eight-digit number assigned to many serial publications09527648 0952 7648, 17431700
ISBNOther International Standard Book Number, a unique numeric commercial book identifier0816513139, 978-0816513130
LanguageALL Select the language in which the document is writtenEnglish, Spanish, French, German, Dutch, Multiple, Chinese, Cherokee, Turkish
URLALL “Uniform Resource Locator” (web address)http://www.nps.gov/archeology/kennewick/
EditionBook/Report, Book Chapter/Section, Other The edition of the book or larger resource where the document appears2nd Edition. 
Series TitleBook/Report, Book Chapter/Section, Other The title of the series in which the document appearsRoutledge Studies in Archaeology
Series NumberBook/Report, Book Chapter/Section, Other The series number of the resource in which the document appears8

Journal Article, Other

 The volume in which the document appears9
Issue Number

Journal Article, Other

 The issue number of the resource in which the document appears4
Start PageBook Chapter/Section, Journal Article, Other The page where the document begins278, ii
End PageBook Chapter/Section, Journal Article, Other The page where the document ends360
Institution NameThesis/Dissertation The institution affiliated with the thesis/dissertationWestern Washington University
DepartmentThesis/Dissertation The institution department affiliated with the thesis/dissertationAnthropology Department
ConferenceConference/Presentation  Name of the associated conference2011 Society for American Archaeology Meeting
Conference LocationConference/Presentation  Location of the associated conferenceSacramento, CA
Copy LocationALL Actual physical location of a copy of the document, e.g. an agency, repository, or libraryArizona State University: Hayden Library

Image Fields

Field Name / FIeld GroupResource TypeDescriptionExample

Basic Information (High-level information about the nature, type, and location of the resource.)

Storage LocationImagesActual physical location of a copy of the image, e.g. an agency, repository, or libraryArizona State University: Hayden Library

Coding Sheet/Ontology Fields

Field Name / FIeld GroupResource TypeControlled VocabularyDescriptionExample
Category & Sub-CategoryCoding Sheet/OntologyYESIdentifies the category or subcategory of the data the coding sheet/ontology refers toSee full list of categories and subcategories

Geospatial Fields

Field Name / FIeld GroupResource TypeControlled VocabularyDescriptionExample
Spatial Reference System ID / ProjectionGeospatialNO  
Currentness and Update InformationGeospatialNO  
Map SourceGeospatialNO  


Sensory Data Fields

Field Name / FIeld GroupGroupedMultiple AllowedDescriptionExample
Basic Information (High-level information about the nature, type, and location of the resource.)
Object / Monument Number  The ID number or code, if applicable, of the object or monument 
Survey Information (Description of the survey event that resulted in the sensory data.)
Survey Begin  Beginning date of survey08/04/2009
Survey End  Ending date of survey08/13/2009
Conditions  The overall weather trend during surveySunny, Overcast, Indoors
Scanner Details  The details of the instrument(s) with serial number(s) and scan unitsKonica Minolta VIVID 9i; mm;Serial No: 1001198
Company Name  The details of the scan company and scan operator nameCenter for Advanced Spatial Technologies, Duncan McKinnon
Data Resolution  The estimated data resolution across the monument or object0.378
Count of Scans  The total number of scans13
Turntable Used  Indicates if a turntable was used for this survey"Yes"
Planimetric Map Filename  The image name, if applicable 
Control Data Filename  The control data filename, if control data was collected 
RGB Capture Information  Information about how the RGB (color photograph) information was collected - specify whether the imager was an integrated or external unit, and the nature of any additional lighting system used, if applicable"The VIVID 9i uses internal RGB capture. A three point lighting system was used to illuminate the object from the top and from both sides; this minimized shadows on the object. Each light in the system had 1-3 white light (5000k) flicker free fluorescent bulbs. The number of bulbs that were used to illuminate each artifact varied depending on ambient light conditions and object color."
Description of Final Datasets for Archive  A list of the datasets that will be archived (include file names if possible)"Original scans, registered dataset, premesh dataset, mesh dataset, decimated mesh dataset, images"
Scan Information (Information about the name and nature of the scan file and any transformations applied to the resource.)
Filename  The name of the scan file. A suggested filename for original raw scans for archiving is in this format: ProjectName_scan1.txt



Object/ Monument Name  The name of monument or object being scanned



Date  The date that the object/monument was scanned (mm/dd/yyyy format)06/16/2011
Resolution  The fixed resolution or data resolution at specific range0.378
Number of Points  The number of points generated in scan 
Transformation Matrix  The name of the transformation matrix used in Global Registration. Suggested file name: ProjectName_scan1_mtrx.txt 


Matrix Applied  Indicates if a transformation matrix has been applied to the archived scan"Yes"
Scanner Technology   Time of Flight, Phase-Based, Triangulation
Scan Notes  Additional notes related to this scan 
Image Information (This section specifies information about reference images included with this resource. The category repeats as a group of fields.)
Name YESThe filename of the reference imageArk_HM_0533_03.jpg
Description YESDescription of the image"Image of Hampson Object Ark_HM_0533, A jar decorated with punctations while the lower half is plain"
Registration Information (Description of methods and filenames used to align the points)
Dataset Name  The filename for the dataset. A suggested naming structure for registered dataset for archiving is: ProjectName_GR.txt


Registration Method  A brief description of the methods used to register the point cloud“Individual scans were aligned using N Point pairs”
Registration Error  The total RMS error from global registration in scan units0.062
Number of Points in File  The total number of points in final registered point cloud


Mesh Information - Pre-Mesh
Dataset Name  The filename. A suggested naming convention for the polygonal mesh dataset is *ProjectName_origmesh


Number of Points in File  The total number of points in the edited premesh point cloud431,339
Processing Operations   

Overlap reduction, Smoothing, Subsampling, Color Editions

Point Editing Summary  A description of major editing operations (i.e. overlap reduction, point deletion, etc.) that have been performed on the dataset"Overlap reduction was computed in Polyworks software. Following overlap reduction, floating data points were also deleted. Data remnants from overlap reduction were also deleted."
Mesh Information - Polygonal Mesh Metadata
Dataset Name  

The filename. A suggested naming convention for the polygonal mesh dataset is *ProjectName_origmesh


Number of Triangles  

The total number of triangles in the mesh file


Adj. Matrix  

The transformation matrix filename, if applicable

Processing Operations  A list of any processing operations performed on the Polygonal Mesh

RGB color included, Data Reduction, Holes Filled, Smoothing, Color Editions, Healing/De-spiking

Additional Processing Notes  Additional notes about the mesh 
Mesh Information - Decimated Polygonal Mesh Metadata/TriangleCounts
Mesh Name  The file name. A suggested naming convention for the decimated polygonal mesh dataset is ProjectName_decimesh_50pcnt for decimated mesh e.g. by 50%


Number of Original  

The total number of Decimated Triangles


Number of Decimated  

The total number of Decimated Triangles


Processing Operations  A list of any processing operations performed

RGB Color Included


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