Categories and Subcategories
Categories and Subcategories
Category Name | |
Architecture | |
Material | |
Measurement | |
Other | |
Style/Type | |
Basketry | |
Count | |
Design | |
Form | |
Function | |
Material | |
Measurement | |
Other | |
Technique | |
Weight | |
Ceramic | |
Composition | |
Count | |
Design/Decorative Element | |
Form | |
Measurement | |
Other | |
Paint | |
Part | |
Paste | |
Residue | |
Surface Treatment | |
Temper/Inclusions | |
Type | |
Variety/Subtype | |
Ware | |
Weight | |
Chipped Stone | |
Count | |
Form | |
Material | |
Measurement | |
Other | |
Retouch | |
Type | |
Weight | |
Dating Sample | |
Date | |
Error | |
Method | |
Other | |
Fauna | |
Age | |
Anterior/Posterior | |
Bone Artifact From | |
Breakage | |
Burning | |
Butchering | |
Completeness | |
Condition | |
Count | |
Cultural Modification | |
Digestion | |
Dorsal/Ventral | |
Element | |
Erosion | |
Fusion | |
Gnawing/Animal Modification | |
Measurement | |
Modification | |
Natural Modification | |
Other | |
Pathologies | |
Portion/Proximal/Distal | |
Sex | |
Side | |
Spiral Fracture | |
Taxon | |
Weathering | |
Weight | |
Zone | |
Zone Scheme | |
Figurine | |
Count | |
Form | |
Material | |
Measurement | |
Other | |
Style/Type | |
Glass | |
Count | |
Date | |
Form | |
Maker/Manufacturer | |
Material | |
Measurement | |
Other | |
Weight | |
Ground Stone | |
Completeness | |
Count | |
Form | |
Material | |
Measurement | |
Other | |
Weight | |
Historic Other | |
Count | |
Date | |
Form | |
Maker/Manufacturer | |
Material | |
Measurement | |
Other | |
Weight | |
Human Burial | |
| Body Position/Flexure |
Body Posture | |
Body Preparation | |
Burial Accompaniment | |
Burial Container | |
Burial Facility | |
Count | |
Disturbance | |
Facing | |
Measurement | |
Orientation/Alignment | |
Other | |
Preservation | |
Type of Interment | |
Human Dental | |
Buccal/Lingual/Occlusal | |
Chemical Assay | |
Count | |
Cultural Modification | |
Dental Pathologies | |
Dental Wear | |
Enamel Defects | |
Maxillary/Mandibular | |
Measurement | |
Other | |
Permanent/Deciduous | |
Tooth (element) | |
Human Skeletal | |
| Age |
Age Criteria | |
Articulation | |
Bone Segment (proximal/distal) | |
Chemical Assay | |
Completeness | |
Condition | |
Count | |
Cranial Deformation | |
Crematory Burning | |
Cultural Modification | |
Diet | |
Disturbance | |
Disturbance Sources | |
Element | |
Epiphyseal Union | |
Fracture/Breakage | |
Health | |
Measurement | |
Nonmetric Trait | |
Other | |
Pathologies/Trauma | |
Preservation | |
Sex | |
Sex Criteria | |
Side | |
Weight | |
Lookup | |
Code | |
Description | |
Label | |
Notes | |
Other | |
Macrobotanical | |
Count | |
Other | |
Taxon | |
Metal | |
Count | |
Date | |
Form | |
Maker/Manufacturer | |
Material | |
Measurement | |
Other | |
Weight | |
Mineral | |
Count | |
Form | |
Measurement | |
Type | |
Other | |
Weight | |
Photograph | |
Direction | |
Film Type | |
Frame | |
ID | |
Other | |
Roll | |
Subject | |
Pollen | |
Count | |
Other | |
Taxon | |
Provenience and Context | |
Context | |
Date | |
Depth | |
East | |
Excavation Method | |
Feature ID/Number | |
Feature Type | |
Horizontal Location | |
Inclusions | |
Item/Slash | |
Level | |
Locus | |
Lot | |
Measurement | |
North | |
Other | |
Project | |
Recovery Method | |
Sampling | |
Screening | |
Site | |
Soil Color | |
Stratum | |
Unit | |
Vertical Position | |
Volume | |
Rock Art | |
Exposure | |
Form | |
Other | |
Style | |
Technology | |
Shell | |
Completeness | |
Count | |
Measurement | |
Modification | |
Other | |
Taxon | |
Weight | |
Storage | |
Box Number | |
Location | |
Other | |
Textile | |
Count | |
Design | |
Form | |
Function | |
Material | |
Measurement | |
Other | |
Technique | |
Weight |
, multiple selections available,