tDAR Draft Context Ontology

tDAR Draft Context Ontology

Site Form

Site Function

Intrasite Context

Deposit Type

Screen Size

Screen Fraction

architectural complex

ceremonial site (e.g. non-residential, isolated cemetery)

building substructure (not earlier occupation; e.g. mound or platform construction)

ground surface (includes surface collections)

size inches or mm

% screened (0% for unscreened)

artifact scatter (likely not from a settlement or isolated feature)

resource extraction/animal husbandry (e.g., canal, field or field house, quarry)

extramural (e.g. plaza in an open area or compound, roasting pit, canal, borrow pit)


flotation cloth

unknown screened fraction

isolated feature/structure (e.g., field house)

settlement (e.g., hamlet, village, town, city) [unknown presence of ceremonial structures]

intramural-domestic (e.g., pithouse, pueblo,ramada, including an atrium within a house)

feature contents (e.g hearth, burial, roasting pit contents )

screened but unknown screen size



--- settlement with ceremonial structures

intramural unknown (not recorded or can't tell if domestic or non-domestic)


unscreened (hand recovery)



--- settlement without ceremonial structures

non-domestic structure (e.g. kiva, ballcourt, temple, palace, stairway, causeway)

construction fill (e.g., platform mound construction fill)




short-term encampment (seasonal or shorter)

other intrasite context (discouraged)

occupation surface (on, in, or near) (roof as surface?)




other (discouraged)

unknown intrasite context (e.g. trench or test pit in deposits with mixed, unrecorded, or otherwise unknown whether intra-or extramural)

other fill (aeolian, architectural collapse)




unknown (unrecorded, uncategorized legacy data)


mixed/disturbed deposit




other deposit type (discouraged)





unknown deposit type