Resource Lookup API (Simple)
Resource Lookup API (Simple)
Simple Resource Lookup API: http://core.tdar.org/lookup/resource
tDAR provides a simple API for searching for resources.
- title: partial title of the resource.
- term: the term to search for
- projectId: the ID of the project you want to limit the query to
- collectionId: the ID of the collection you want to limit the query to
- resourceTypes: Limit by resource type (DOCUMENT|DATASET|IMAGE|PROJECT|ONTOLOGY|CODING_SHEET|GIS|SENSORY_DATA); parameter repeats
- startRecord: the first record to display (for pagination)
- recordsPerPage: the number of records to return
- sortField: how to sort the results, default is relevance.
The response will include the following information:
- A list of "items" that contains details on each resource.
- A status object containing the number of results, records per page, and sorting options.
A search for projects which have the keyword term NABO.
URL: http://core.tdar.org/lookup/resource?resourceTypes=PROJECT&term=NABO
{ "resources": [ { "dateCreated": 1271029930401, "description": "This project file contains NABO publications. \r\n\r\nNABO was founded over 20 years ago to attempt to cross-cut national and disciplinary boundaries and to help North Atlantic scholars make the most of the immense research potential of our damp and lovely research area. NABO has worked to aid in improving basic data comparability, in assisting practical fieldwork and interdisciplinary ventures, in promoting student training, and in better communicating our findings to other scholars, funding agencies, and the general public.\r\n\r\nThe NABO community is constantly producing material for publication and wider outreach. This ranges from material submitted to peer-reviewed academic journals, books chapters, monographs, excavation reports, laboratory reports, magazine articles and many others. ", "id": 3244, "resourceType": "PROJECT", "resourceTypeLabel": "Project", "status": "DRAFT", "title": "North Atlantic Biocultural Organization (NABO)", "url": "", "detailUrl":"/project/3244/north-atlantic-biocultural-organization-nabo" "urlNamespace": "project" } ], "status": { "recordsPerPage": 25, "sortField": "RELEVANCE", "startRecord": 0, "totalRecords": 1 } }
, multiple selections available,
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