Parameter | Note |
username | The username to use when logging into tDAR |
password | The password |
host | The server to use |
config | A properties file to use specify a username, password, etc, instead of passing them through as commandline parameters |
file | a list of files or directories that should be used to upload |
projectid | Use this to override the project ID for all uploaded files |
Setting up the directory structure
Structure 1, a directory with multiple record files (no attachments) |
/tmp/separateRecords/record1.xml |
/tmp/separateRecords/record2.xml |
What happens – each file is uploaded separately as a record into tDAR. If there are other files that are not XML records, they are ignored |
Structure 2, a directory with a single record file and one or more attachments |
/tmp/singleRecord/record1.xml |
/tmp/singleRecord/img1.jpg |
/tmp/singleRecord/img2.jpg |
What happens – record1 is uploaded and img1 and img2 are uploaded and associated with it |
Structure 3, a degenerate case |
/tmp/bad/record1.xml |
/tmp/bad/img1.jpg |
/tmp/bad/record2.xml |
What happens – record1 and record2 are uploaded, the image is ignored as the API Tool doesn't know what to do with it |