Creating & Managing a Billing Account

Creating & Managing a Billing Account

Adding an Invoice to a Billing Account/ Creating a Billing Account (info)

Once you have purchased space on tDAR, you will need to decide what billing account to charge. There are two choices:

  • Select an existing account
    • To select an existing account, select the dropdown menu to the right of "Select Existing Account". This will show all the accounts you have access to.
    • Click on the desired account.
  • Create a new account
    • enter the "Account Name" and "Account Description" in the relevant text fields.

Once you have selected/created an account, you can choose to allow other registered tDAR users to charge that account.

Begin typing the person's name in the "User" text field, and tDAR will automatically provide a matching list of users.

If you want to remove a user, select the trash symbol to the right of the user's name.

To add another user, select the "+add another" button.

When you are done, click on the "Save" button at the bottom.The page will then go to where you can view and manage your accounts.

What does a Billing Account do?

In tDAR, billing accounts are used to manage resources. Each resource must be associated with an account. Billing accounts are different from your tDAR user account. Several different users can have access to a billing account.




What happens if I Forget to Add an invoice to an Account?

If you have one billing account already, tDAR will add the invoice to it.

If you do not have a billing account, or have multiple billing accounts, tDAR will generate an additional or new account for the invoice.

Managing a Payment Account

From here you can choose to view, edit, delete or add a new invoice to your account. You can also create a Voucher.

Select edit and you will go to a page that is similar to the one above in the section on "Adding an Invoice to a Billing Account/Creating a Billing Account" You will be able to chance the account name, account description, and add users to the account. When you are done with your changes, select "Save".

To delete the account, select the delete button. You will then be asked to explain why you are deleting the account, and confirm that you do want to delete the account.

If you want to buy more space/files for this billing account, select the "+ Add Invoice" option. This will take you through the process described in How to Purchase Files/Space in tDAR.


From this page you can also create a voucher. Vouchers allow you to share files/space with other users without having to allow access to your Billing Account.

Use to drop down menu next to "Quality" choose how many vouchers you want to create. Then enter the number of files or MB per voucher you wish to a lot. You can also select the year the vouchers will expire.


When you are done, select the "Create Voucher" button.

Voucher Codes

The voucher codes that were created will appear on your billing account page. The number of files, space, expiration date and code are listed for each voucher.


The code will be what is entered when the person using the voucher redeems it. See How to Purchase Files/Space in tDAR on how to redeem this code.

When a code has been redeemed, it will be indicated to the right on the code.


To share the code visa email, select the "send via email" option.

What Next?

Now you can use the files/space that you have purchased to add resources to tDAR. We suggest that you plan out how to you want to organize your contribution, especially if you're uploading multiple, related resources. See Organizing Your Data.