What is a "collection”: A collection is an organization of resources that a user may or may not have submitted or have rights to. Examples of collections might include: "Cape Cod Archaeology”, “SRP Digital Library”, "Jim’s interesting resources"

What is a “share”: A share is a group of resources that allows a user or a group to assign rights to a person or group of people.

Has titleXX 
Has descriptionXX 
Hierarchical (can have parent)XX 
Display Properties
Viewable when not logged in X 
Sortable XThe owner can specify the sort-order of resources (title, resource type, etc)
different display orientation XThe owner can specify how resources are displayed (map, image grid, list)
can be "white label" XCustom display settings for the collection page including header and featured resources
Rights & Permissions
can add things that the user doesn’t have rights to X 
delegate rights to resources to other usersX (how collections currently work today) 
allow timed accessX Allow access to resources in a collection for a week or fixed period of time
multi-userXXAllow multiple users to administer a collection or share
can inherit permissionsX Allow a “parent” to delegate rights to a share or a collection
View resourcesX Allow a user to view resources based on permissions
Download filesX Allow a user to download resources based on permissions
add toXXSpecific permission to allow users to add resources
remove fromXXSpecific permission to allow users to remove resources
administerXXSpecific permission to allow users to administer the collection/share