What is a Project? (and why would I use one)
Basic information for a project includes the record status, project title, description, resource collection name, and url. Enter the general information for your project as text in the provided fields.
Choosing a Record Status
By default, all records in tDAR are active. The status "active" means that they are visible to all users through searching and browsing. If you're just starting out, you may choose to mark a project with the status "draft."
Note: Status does not inherit from a project to resources inside that project. Thus, a project may be marked as a "draft" or even "deleted" without effecting any of the resources within it.
Identifiers in tDAR can include a wide range of values:
What if I want to hide my site location?
tDAR provides a number of options to protect the exact location of your project area and/or sites. If your bounding box is less than 1 mile square, tDAR will alter that box when it is displayed to users to obfuscate or hide the exact location. Alternately, you may simply draw a wider box.
What if I entered my site location incorrectly?
Simply click the reset button. You may also click on the "Enter / View Coordinates" and adjust the spatial information manually.
Temporal Coverage
Temporal coverage includes temporal keyword terms, calendar date ranges, and radio carbon date ranges (if available) for the archaeological/cultural resources that your project investigated.
Enter the names of persons who have the right to edit the project metadata. You can grant access rights ONLY to registered tDAR users. When you begin to type in any of the text boxes provided, tDAR will provide suggestions to you from among its registered users. Select the tDAR user(s) that have the right to edit your project metadata.
Done? Time to Save
Once you've completed your project entry, click the "Save" button at the bottom of the project page or on the toolbar at the top of the page to save your metadata.
You will then be taken to a screen that displays your project metadata as it appears to other users. This screen also displays any information resources that you have associated with this project. To edit the project metadata, click "Edit" on the view page toolbar.
Editing a Project
After you have created and saved project metadata, you may continue to update and/or change that information by editing the project.
What if I change the values in my project?
If you change any metadata values at the project level, tDAR will update those "inherited" values at the resource level.
For example, if you change "Investigation Types" for your project, any resource that inherited "Investigation Types" from that project will be automatically updated.
What if I only want to inherit "some" of the values in my project?
tDAR allows you to inherit values section by section.
You can also inherit values by clicking on the "inherit values..." box, and then un-select the box to make additional changes that are particular to that resource. For example, you can inherit the spatial information from a project to a related resource. You can then un-select the "inherit values..." box to add or subtract location keyword terms particular to that individual resource.
You can also use the project as a template for your resource entry. You can simply enable inheritance to "copy" the values from the project, and then turn inheritance off to make specific changes.